Resolving Differences By Putting You And Your Family First


Resolving Differences By Putting You And Your Family First

Five Things To Do Before and During a Divorce

Helpful Divorce Tips

Divorce Tip #1: Be aware of social media You might be mad, sad or ecstatic, or all three emotions at different times of day. Don’t use social media as a way to get back at your partner. Anything you put out there (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) stays out there. It can be used against you. Out late partying pictures – bad idea, especially if there is a custody issue. New boyfriend/girlfriend pictures – don’t, people can smell the jealousy ploy. On the flip side, don’t cyber stalk either. Finding out who that person is in the picture with your future ex is not going to make you feel better. It will probably make you feel worse. Now might be as good of a time as any to start a social media hiatus. Take a break and focus on yourself instead of what others are doing. Sure it might be easier said than done, but imagine all the free time you might have! Divorce Tip #2: Consult a family law lawyer Whether it’s an easy divorce with barely any assets to divide or a complicated divorce with multiple homes and children, you need a good family lawyer. They will be on your side throughout the whole process. A lawyer will serve as your advocate and will make sure to look after your best interest. They will make sure you understand everything you sign. It may cost you in the short run but it can pay off by helping you avoid costly mistakes in the long run. Divorce Tip #3: Keep your kids best interest at heart You might be very mad at your ex. It might even be hard to control these emotions at times. Try your best not to take out your frustrations on your kids. Do not use them as pawns to get back at your spouse. It can be a challenge, but it is best to remain neutral about the situation in front of them. After all, the other person is still going to be their parent, and you can’t change that. Don’t treat them like adults either. They might be your support system at the moment but don’t share uncomfortable information about the other person. In the long run, badmouthing or oversharing is going to hurt them and possibly your relationship with them. Divorce Tip #4: Get your finances in order Now is a good time to look at what you bring in and what you spend. You should know your complete list of assets and debts – knowledge is power. Get a firm grasp on your bills and spending. Try to start a nest egg. The first few years after a divorce can be a drain. According to Divorce Source during the first year of divorce a woman’s standard of living drops by 25%. Expect things to get a little harder before it gets easier. Divorce Tip #5: Focus on you Going through a divorce is one of the hardest things a person can experience. There is a lot of pain involved in the process. It is easy to turn to overindulging in substances – alcohol, food among other things to cope. Try not to. Now is a great time to start an exercise routine if you don’t already have one. Put yourself first for a while. Say no to things you don’t want or have to do. Get enough sleep. Take positive steps to get you through this transitional period. Or join a support group for people going through the same thing as you. Hang out with people that make you happy. Do things that give you joy. At the end of the day, give yourself a pat on the back for getting through another day on this journey. For more divorce tips, contact our family law attorney, Michael Puhl, by calling 972-569-3166.