Resolving Differences By Putting You And Your Family First


Resolving Differences By Putting You And Your Family First

Divorce Blues: Proven Tips for Beating this Beast

Getting a divorce can be a traumatic time in one’s life. Truly it can give you the divorce blues. Most likely the whole process of going through a divorce or being alone again is new to you. Your head can be filled with all sorts of emotions, from elation to fear and you can flip emotions in a millisecond. It is all normal, and part of the journey. It may seem overwhelming at times but there are ways to beat the divorce blues. Here are some helpful tips to help you reach the other side to a happier, healthier future.

Tips for ending Divorce Blues

Give yourself a break

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everybody makes mistakes and now is not the time to beat yourself up over the ones you may have made, or may still make. Making positive changes in your life is not that easy. It is a challenge. So focus on the goals and not all the bumps in the road along the way. Because there will be many. Try to keep your negative thoughts at bay and focus on the positive.

Take care of yourself – emotionally

You know the old adage, you better take care of yourself because no one else will! Unfortunately, this can be especially true during a divorce. Self-preservation is important. Take some moments out the day to take care of yourself. Do some things you like. See the movie you want to see. Carve out some time for exercise or lunch with a friend. Don’t say yes to everything. It’s OK to say no. Right now you need to save your energy for what’s important. Allow time to recharge so you can avoid emotional overload and a possible breakdown.

Take care of yourself -physically

It is easy to fall into the habit of eating away or drinking down your feelings, especially during a stressful time like a divorce. Try not to fall into this rabbit hole. It might seem like it is helping at first, but in the long run, it isn’t. Make an effort to take care of your whole being, nourish yourself with whole foods…fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fat meats. You will feel better for taking care of yourself. Carve out some time for exercise too. If you haven’t made it a part of your life yet, now is a good time. You can’t beat the benefits of exercise, especially during a high stress time like this. It is easy to stay up late fretting or binge watching Game of Thrones. Try your best to get enough sleep during this time. You need to be in your best fighting form and sleep is crucial to good decision-making.

Create a support network

Divorce is a transition and there are times you’re going to feel stuck. You need a strong support network to help you down the new path. Friends and family are important during this time. If you are feeling like you need more support now is a great time to cultivate new friendships. Try something different (church group, bowling, an art walk) and be open to meeting new people along the way. Another way to do this is to join a local divorce support group. Or maybe you prefer one-on-one and talking to a therapist might prove more beneficial for you. The bottom line is, you’ll want to spend time with people who make you feel good, support you, and are a positive influence on you.

Find your happy

Life will go on. Try not to allow divorce to suck the happiness out of every aspect of your life. Take in the small beautiful moments, stop and smell the flowers. Try to remember what gave you joy before this whole process began and go and find that joy again. Take small daily steps toward positive goals. The more you look towards the positive the more positive you start to see. Looking for a divorce family lawyer that is understanding, knowledgeable and ready to guide you on this journey? End the divorce blues and call the Puhl Law Group at